
Dmitry Kaminskiy with Dr. Omar Najim, Executive Office Affairs Director at Department of Health Abu Dhabi
Dmitry Kaminskiy and colleagues at GovTech 2022 conference in the Queen Elizabeth II Centre, London UK
Dmitry Kaminskiy and colleagues during Longevity Financial CLub’s 2nd Event at The Shard in London
Keynote at Ecosystems 2030 (featuring the King of Spain, His Majesty Filipe V, on the conferences' Honorary Committee)

Dmitry Kaminskiy Presents 'Biomarkers of Human Longevity' Book to Prince Michael Von Liechtenstein, Basel, 2021

John Godfrey, Corporate Affairs Director, Legal & General, London, 2020

Alon Braun, co-founder Neurotech Analytics, London, 2020

Consensys 2018, with Kamal Obbad (Nebula Genomics) and Alex Zhavoronkov, Consensys Conference, New York, 2018

Future Finance Forum Seoul, Korea, 2017 / AI in Finance

With Senior Officials of Suwon University, South Korea, 2017

Future Finance Forum/ AI in Finance
Seoul, Korea, 2017

With Zoltan Istvan (Candidate to President of USA) and Aubrey de Grey (The God of Geroscience), San Diego, 2017

With Alex Zhavoronkov, London, 2017

Nick Bostrom (Author of "Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies"), Oxford, 2016

With Veacheslav Kunev, IT Summit, Moldova, 2016

Financial Times Innovation Summit 2016, London / AI in InvestTech

AI confernce with Sir Martin Reese
( Leading UK Scientist) and Hermann Hauser , Cambridge University, 2015

Insilico Medicine Brainstorm Meeting, 2015

Dr. Life (one of the oldest bodybuilders, 82 years)

Biogerontology Research Foundation, Oxford , 2014

With George Freeman (Minister for Life Sciences of UK), 2014

With George Freeman (Minister for Life Sciences of UK), 2014

Big Data Science in Medicine Conference, University of Oxford, 2014

Dmitry Kaminskiy with His Excellency Hussain Al Mahmoudi, CEO of Sharjah Research, Technology and Innovation Park
Dmitry Kaminskiy presenting on Longevity Governance and National Healthcare Optimization at GovTech 2022
Dmitry Kaminskiy Presenting at 'Longevity FinTech and InvestTech' at The Shard in London

Dmitry Kaminskiy, Cecilia Yu and Dr. Omar Hatamleh (Head of Technology Integration for ISRU at NASA) at Ecosystems 2030

Dr. Mike Short CBE, Chief Scientific Adviser for Department of International Trade UK, London, 2020

Baroness Sally Greengross, King's College London, 2020

With Mo Gowdat (Former Business Director of GoogleX), New York, 2018

With Franco Cortese and Alex Zhavoronkov, Precision Medicine World Conference, Silicon Valley, 2018

Launch of Asia AI Hub in Korea, 2017

Dinner with John Mcafee, London, 2017

NanoTech 2.0 Workshop, Organised by Eric Drexler, Cambridge, 2017

With Gennady Stolyarov (Leader of US Transhumanist Party), San Diego, 2017

Martin Reese (number one UK astrophysicist), Jim Keravala, (SpaceTech Visionary), Sean O'Heigeartaigh (Existential Risk Institute), Cambridge University, 2016

The Economist Conference AgeTech and Longevity, London, 2016

With Lasha Antadze, BlockChain Hub, Kiev, Ukraine, 2016

With Liz Parrish, Avi Roy and Alex Fork. Lecture in Moldova Polytechnic University Chisinau, Moldova, 2016

With Anders Sandberg, Oxford, 2015

With Eric Drexler, Xenia Tchoumicheva, Effective Altruism Conference, Oxford, 2015

Charles Cantor, (Director of Human Genome Project), Basel, Switzerland, 2014

With Charles Contor, Aging Research Conference, Basel, 2014

With George Freeman (Minister for Life Sciences of UK), 2014

With Aubrey De Grey, University of Oxford, 2014

Visiting Executive Director of the Gerontology Research Group, Dr. L. Stephen Coles, LA, 2014

Dmitry Kaminskiy and colleagues at ABES2022 Hosted by Arab-British Chamber of Commerce
Dmitry Kaminskiy in UK House of Lords for Assistive Technology, Longevity and Ageing Society Launch Event

Dmitry Kaminskiy's Keynote Address at Davos Longevity Investment Summit during 2022 World Economic Forum

Inaugural launch event of the Longevity Financial Club, London, UK on June 21st 2022

Chairing 'Investing in Longevity' panel discussion with Lance Kawaguchi, Global Head of Corporates, HSBC

Richard Siow, Director of Aging Research and Professor Evelyn Welch, Provost & Senior Vice President (Arts & Sciences) at King's College, London, 2020

With Alex Zhavoronkov, Daniel Petrovs (longenesis), Master Investor Conference, London, 2018

World Precision Medicine Conference. Panel Discussion with Illumina Ventures and Digital DX Ventures, Silicon Valley, 2018

With Brett King (Author of "Bank 4.0" ), Seoul, 2017

With Alex Zhavoronkov, Oxford, 2017

With Aubrey de Grey and Alex Zhavoronkov, London 2017

With Robin Farmanfarmaian (Author of "The Patient as CEO: How Technology Empowers the Healthcare Consumer' ), San Diego, 2017

Longevity MeetUP With William Bains and Sean O'Heigeartaigh, Trinity College, Cambridge, 2016

Longevity Workshop, Oxford University, 2016

Eric Drexler, (Godfather of NanoTech,) Oxford University, UK, 2016

With Daniel Susskind (Co-author 'Future of Professions'), 2016

The Economist Conference, Panel Discussion on AI, Hong Kong , 2015

Aubrey De Grey (Godfather of geroscience) and Alex Zhavoronkov (Godfather of AI in Longevity), Oxford, UK, 2014

Rotary Club, Beijing, China, 2014

Big Data Science in Medicine Conference, University of Oxford, 2014

With George Freeman (Minister for Life Sciences of UK), 2014

Big Data Science in Medicine Conference, University of Oxford, 2014

Biogerontology Research Foundation Reception, London, 2014